Sunday, July 20, 2014

Behind the Title

Being human? That doesn’t quite roll of the tongue, and it’s not quite poetic. Being alive? That’s a song; a great song. So it’s obviously poetic. And I hear that all the time, “live your life.” Yes, do that. I know it’s supposed to mean more than just physically living, but in my gut, I just have a slight problem with that phrase.

Physically living: Elephants do it. Dogs do it. Cockroaches do it (even though we all know they shouldn’t). Even trees and simple plant life do it, and that is great and wonderful, but people are alive as well. So what’s to say we aren’t just like every other living thing on the planet?

What is the underlying trait that makes humans different from any other organism in the world? Here is my opinion:


As far as I can tell, no other creature on earth is capable of feeling the kind of deep, complex passion that humans can, and have the capability of being able to express such a feeling; it’s simply electric. We can write things that provoke thought and reason. We can create art and beauty that can open our eyes to something that we may have never otherwise considered. And we can create music that arouse emotion we were previously unaware of; if you’re someone that loves music, then I think you know what I’m talking about (if you don’t, I’ll talk about it later). But that’s just considering the arts. Human curiosity has paved the way for developments in science and technology that alter our opinions of reality. It is our ability to feel passionate about something that allows us to develop as a species.

But not everyone chooses to explore their capacity for passion. In fact, from what I can tell from humanity is that the only exploration of passion that seems to be occurring is primarily physical. Please please please, understand that I’m not trying to offend anyone on an individual level. We are all guilty of at least FEELING this way, and I’m certainly not exempt. But this is my problem with humanity; it does nothing for the development mankind.

There is absolutely no growth that comes from exercising animalistic values. Being in non-committal “relationships” with multiple partners is, in my opinion, one of the very basic traits of every other species on this earth; their goal is to continue the existence of their race. The difference between us and every other animal is that they do not have birth control. They’re trying to get the pretty little lady pregnant. They don’t have the option of getting rid of an unexpected birth if it is undesired or inconvenient, and if we choose to do so, that is exactly what can make us inferior to all else on earth. If that is how we choose to live, then we are merely animals.

I’m not trying to attack men at all, because women are to blame as well. And I’m not saying everyone is like this, because that would be far from true. BUT, I hear it from all kinds of people; psychologists, evolutionary scientists, “Hollywood,” and the common man. They all say that it’s a part of the nature of the male species to be with multiple partners. The evidence they use is obviously from every other species on the planet; and they’re not wrong. Like I previously said, the primary goal of all life is to continue the existence of their species. But the point I’m trying to make here is that WE ARE NOT LIKE OTHER SPECIES. You cannot use the excuse of “that’s just the way men are” to rationalize animalistic behavior. And women, you can’t let them use that excuse. “Well, men have needs.” No.

You stop it, right now.

If you expect them to act like dogs, they will act like dogs. Literally. And you know what, it’s not just men. Women are just as much to blame. More and more frequently are women becoming promiscuous because they also have “needs.” I don’t know if it’s because they’re trying to prove that they can be just as strong, or just as irresponsible as men, but all they have are horribly misguided justifications.

Again, I digress.

Yes, I’m being really harsh. But I’m just as passionate about the fault of man as I am about the potential of man. Let me elaborate on the point I have previously made: To truly be human means to do more than just exist, multiply, and die. It actually means taking upon yourself some responsibility and not using your “human nature” as an excuse.

To be human is to have potential. It’s to actually ACT on that potential and utilize our passions to create something. It’s to think and reason and develop ideas that can influence the lives of others or maybe just your own. It’s so much more than being alive. We are awesome. I just get frustrated when we don’t realize how wonderful it is to live like this, and when we take our passion for granted. I’m sure you all are just sick of hearing that word; passion. Passion passion passion. Now it probably sounds funny. So I’ll try to end this as soon as my mind stops. No promises.

 In a round-about way, what I’m trying to say here is that that’s what I’m doing here. That’s why I’ve created this “public journal.”


Or at least I’m trying to be. I’ve been writing down my thoughts for some time now, but what I’ve come to realize is that there is not as much relief in just writing it down; I’m still the only one that knows. I’m the only one that hears what’s in my head, even if it is written down. I don’t truly feel like I’ve had the burden lifted until it’s shared. YOU all get to deal with the burden now. Suckers. (Sorry, not sorry)

I’m passionate, and I want others to see the world like I do, because I LOVE this world despite its flaws. There is so MUCH good! Being human is such an extraordinary privilege that I just want EVERYONE to want to be passionate. (You see all the CAPITAL LETTERS and italics I'm using? That's so you know I'm serious. I may abuse it, but there ain't nothin' ya'll can do about it. Just know I mean business.)

If we don’t exercise our right and privilege to exercise passion then we are no better than termites. Next time you meet someone that is extremely passionate for something that you are passionately against, just be grateful and respect the fact that they are exercising their humanity. Who cares if you don’t agree with their values? You sure don’t have to love their opinions, but you should love the fact that they are passionate. 

And please, for heaven’s sake, be respectful of that. 

If we can’t agree on everything, then we should at least be respectful. If we can just stop hating long enough to acknowledge our similarities, then there wouldn’t be any room to hate. You may support a woman’s choice to abort a child, and while I don’t necessarily agree with you, I still love and respect you because I have no right not to. You are human just like me, fighting for something just like me. You may brush off my respect simply because we have differing opinions, but that WILL NOT change how I feel. And please, if neither of you are going to budge on your opinions, then stop arguing about it. I think the world is plenty full of verbal pollution, and your contribution isn’t necessary (or mine or anyone's for that matter). I believe bitter arguments can always be avoided, especially if we make a conscious effort to do so. Will it? Probably not, but a girl can always hope. And I always will.

I am very hard on what I see to be the reality of our society on earth at the moment, but that's because I see the incredible potential that we have as a race. Tigers have always been the same since the beginning of their existence. Dolphins have always been the same. Ants have always been the same. They eat, sleep, multiply, and try to survive. They, in essence, are only alive. We, as humans, have been growing and changing since our creation. And that, my friends, is why I believe that we were not just a miraculous feat of evolution. In fact, I REFUSE to believe it. I would actually be upset if we were just a bi-product of the evolution of apes. Even if I’m wrong, I’m going to continue to believe I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, because the alternative would certainly make me feel uneasy, unhappy, and insignificant. But, we do have a divine creator; there’s no way we couldn’t.

Physically, we have been the same since creation, but we are so very different. If the evolution of technology isn’t proof of that, then I don’t know what is. Do you see apes creating the “next big thing?”


They aren’t human.

It is our responsibility to NOT simply be an existing species. Feeling passionate about something, or anything, is the best way we are going to be able to separate ourselves from the rest of life on earth. It's not the only way, by any means. But it is the best.

We are human; it’s about time we acted like it.


  1. Boy Howdy! No one can say you aren't passionate and "becoming"!! You're a great your dad!!

  2. I love your passionate honesty. I think there is great power in being honest and real with your thoughts. I had no idea you were such a great writer. Keep it up I want to read more.

  3. You've given me so much to think about! I love that. I agree there is too much verbal pollution in the world. I think one of the great characteristics of humans is the ability to communicate complex thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, that seems to be declining as people use swear words to express, well, everything. But I digress. Loved reading your thoughts. Now I just need a few days to contemplate them and I'm sure I'll have more to say.
