Wednesday, August 12, 2015


My number one, least favorite things in the world are this:




Disregard for others

Hatred towards anyone for anything




In my posts so far, I am generally peasant. There was one where I was pretty pointed with my opinion, but I did my best to be respectful. Sorry if it wasn’t respectful enough. But if you’ve been with me thus far, you know that I am an incredibly passionate person (Duh, you don’t have to repeat it every five minutes). I’m also very reserved when it comes to sharing my opinions on matters. Or you may think I am.

In my first blog post I said that I get so passionate about things that it leaves me emotionally and physically exhausted, and I have to get my thoughts out or else they’ll eat at me. I’m not kidding about the physically exhausted part. I was writing my thoughts about something the other day, and I was shaking. When I was talking about it with my family, my voice was shaking. I’m not going to expound on what it is, because all that will do is get me angry and I don’t want to be angry. At the end of the day, my opinion is just as valuable as those of which I disagree.

But when I see a stab at someone on Facebook I feel it. Whenever someone demeans another I feel it. Whenever they pass wrongful judgement I feel it. When someone goes ahead and attacks Christians and calls them “insane?” It’s a stab to the heart. When someone accuses Democrats of something, I feel just as hurt as if they were accusing Republicans. Even as I’m sitting here writing, my whole body is shaking with sorrow and hurt; that’s just a part of my personality. I feel things on such a deep level, it takes a lot out of me. I promise this is the only time I’m ever going to get as upset as I am right now. I am just sick and tired of everyone arguing.

We have a right to disagree.

We do NOT have ANY right WHATSOEVER to be disagreeable. Just because you can say something doesn’t mean you should. It is not your constitutional right to decide what is to be done with a man who shot a lion. What he did was wrong, but it is not up to you to ruin his life, his family’s lives, and the lives those who worked for him.

We must, without a doubt, stand up for what we believe in. But it is possible to do that without belittling one another. You want to put the rainbow in your profile picture to show your support for gay marriage? I will respect your civil statement that you believe in and stand for something. I will not look at that and think any less of you. As far as I’m concerned, we are good friends; I say that with the utmost sincerity. What I will not support is personalized attacks on people or groups of people. I think what we need to realize is that by doing that, we are accusing every single person that is affiliated with that group. I don’t think we realize the affect our written and spoken words have on people; they genuinely hurt, and that’s not okay. I swear, if I see one more disrespectful post about republicans or democrats, I’mma start unfriending people. I can’t willingly go to Facebook if I know that all I’m going to see is battlegrounds for a war between political and religious parties.

This is not what this country fought for. We did not fight for the right to belittle someone. People did not risk their lives just so we could go on hating each other. This country was fought for so we could have the right to stand for something we believe in and not fear for our lives. Can we honestly say that this is the case? Are people not threatened because of their beliefs? Are they not ridiculed and hated simply because their opinions are different?

What I can’t believe is that people are okay with this. They’re okay with the war that’s going on right here on American soil; they may even be encouraging it. When has fighting ever gotten anyone anywhere? Remember the saying, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all?” Where did that go? When did people start stepping all over that?

Can you imagine what we as a country could do if we actually tried working together? We might actually be in terrible danger of GETTING somewhere. There is not ONE PERSON on this Earth that can honestly say to me that they feel better when they hate their enemy as opposed to when they love their enemy. It is physically impossible to feel joy from hatred. We aren’t asked to love our enemies because it’s easy; we’re asked because in the long-run, everyone will be happier. So why would we do it? Why would anyone choose hate over love?

I’m sorry if I’m sounding preachy. I’m not trying to put myself on this pedestal; I know I have my flaws. But one thing I can say with confidence is that I will never purposely try to hurt someone. Ever. If I hurt you, then I am genuinely sorry. We can all do more to show more kindness towards one another. I’m positive that it won’t hurt in any way. Change starts with the individual. We have to make a conscious decision to love someone instead of hate them. It seems impossible, but it’s not; if it was, it wouldn’t be asked of us.

Sorry for being a Debbie downer. Most of you know that I’m a pretty pleasant person. But all the negativity I’ve been feeling from every direction is driving me insane, and I felt like I was going to implode if I didn’t say something. So this is me, letting go of that negativity. Here, I’ll even give you a picture of the Redwoods.

Isn’t that better?

On another note, this post has probably been the most emotionally draining. So if you don’t see me for a few days, you’ll know why; I’m okay, just tired.

So please be nice.



  1. I like it. And agree:) Also, pretty sure I've taken that exact picture of the redwoods.

  2. Camiiiiii these blog posts are amazing and I miss them! Write some more! I want to hear more of your thought! I know it's been a long time but I want MORE!
